Claims Management

Gallagher Bassett understands that successful claims management requires more than making payments, capturing data, and reporting claims in an organized fashion. Successful claims management programs strike a delicate balance between the need to control costs and settle claims aggressively, but fairly. This requires powerful resources and unique strategies that take into account the myriad of challenges facing businesses today.

With our range of unbundled services, we will design for you a unique program honed precisely to your company's needs and objectives. Each unique program we develop follows the same guidelines.....making sure we partner with you from start to finish determining the most cost-effective plan for reducing your exposures and controlling potential loss. All of our claims management services are intricately linked and follow a well-defined and strictly adhered to path toward successful resolution.

claims form graphic
  • Prompt field investigations
  • Accurate and consistent loss reserving practices
  • Litigation management strategies that mandate cooperative efforts between claims professionals and legal counsel
  • Centralized recovery unit
  • Settlement management alternatives and negotiating techniques (ADR, arbitration, etc.)
  • Open communication

Loss Control

Loss Control is a risk management technique that seeks to reduce the possibility that a loss will occur and/or reduce the severity of those that do occur.  Partnering with MSIP to prevent workplace injuries not only prevents loss and unnecessary expense, but preserves the pledge you make to your employees to provide them with a safe workplace. The safety and loss control programs offered by MSIP are designed with these factors in mind.

For more than four decades, RCCS has helped organizations of all types develop and maintain successful safety and risk control programs. Our mission is to provide you with timely delivery of quality consulting services that result in a tailored program that aggressively manages workers' compensation and related loss costs, improves operational efficiency, and most importantly, affords you the opportunity to focus on your first priority – your business.

  • Assessment Services
  • Loss Analysis
  • Safety Program Development
  • Specialized Library Expertise
  • Safety Newsletters
  • Training & Educational Services

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